Know Your Contract

 Longevity Stipend

Did you know our contract rewards long-term dedication with a Longevity Stipend for employees with over 10 years of service (see Article 28, Section F of the Master Agreement). Those with 10 to 19 years receive up to $1,000 annually, while employees with 20 or more years can earn up to $2,000. This stipend will be paid in two installments: one in January and the second in July. The exact amount is based on your daily work hours, calculated as an average from two specific work weeks. This stipend is a token of appreciation for your continued commitment to the district, and your union negotiating team worked hard to secure this benefit in our contract. The first installment will be coming in the second pay of January, so be on the lookout!


Updated 12/7/24

Happy Holidays Members!


10 Reasons to Belong to a Union

A Voice at the Table

Increased Pay and Benefits

Improved Professional Practice

Nationwide Community

Commitment to Social Justice

Positive Change in the Work Place

Enhanced Rights

Improved Working Conditions at your Work Site

Liability Protection

Members Benefits